I dont mean to name drop but
(plink plink *the sound of names falling* )...
I've been putting in work lately! Saturday I went to UNCOVER, Howard's magazine group, Cover 2 Cover's, 3rd annual magazine conference and today I took a day trip to NYC where we went to the Conde Nast headquarters and met with some of the editors and fashion assistants from Women's Wear Daily (Kim Friday, Carter Love, and Court Williams) and got to peek into the wardrobe closet of W magazine. In the past week I've met some of the industry's TOPS and cant wait to be there with them. I've especially made great strides in networking with the publications that I would personally like to work for in the future. Teen magazines is where I would like to be, I know everyone wants that glamourous job at Vogue or InStyle but I believe the people who have the biggest voice are those who speak to the most impressionable reader, teenage girls. I remember how I read magazines like CosmoGirl! or Teen Vogue *shoot, I still read Teen Vogue* and read and soaked up everything like a sponge and now that I'm at the other end, or almost anyway, I'd like to be that voice behind the pages encouraging girls to be strong minded, independent, and thoughtful individuals. Susan Shultz, plink, the EIC of CosmoGirl! was impressed by my comparison and contrast between CG!, Teen Vogue, which is more Vogue than teen, and Seventeen. Unfortuanately, Vogue and Teen Vogue aren't housed in the same building as WWD and W, so I didn't get to see where I'd be working in just a few short years. It seems like the industry is very tight night and everyone knows everyone else and while staffers come from every walk of life, internships are the way to go. So my goal for the next few weeks is to contact the Washington Bureau of WWD and see what's crackin', while it's not fashion, it is editorial and I can do both.
Speaking of which, I've never really experienced someone down right lying on me...until now. A person who is supposed to be on my team, in "the fam", completely fabricated a story about how I got the position of Fashion Show Coordinator. According to her, Kevin, one of the PR Directors, wrote my proposal for Homecoming. This is funny for a few reasons...1. I'm a fucking journalist, sure I'm a fashion major, but I write each and every waking day- I don't need anyone to write anything for me. period. 2. I didn't even know Kevin let alone talk to him before last week when we were kounting down to Kimora. So now, I have to go to some bullshit meeting to just to make her look dumb and shut the fuck up...she's wack, so wack. Why make something up that's completely and whole heartedly untrue...it has no foundation for truth, not even logical, completely fabricated? Ugh. I hope this isn't a sign of things to come....all the while she still smiles in my face. Bitch.
Oh yea, I met the beauty editor and author, Accidental Diva, Tia Williams...how cool is she? I also encountered the managing editor of Heart & Soul, for someone who just got back into a stable job, you'd think she'd be friendlier. She was awful, she treated me like a sorority girl...only thing is, I didn't even want to be on her team?! arggghhh...if Angela Burt-Murray, EIC of Essence, can look me in the eye like a human being with ideas and things to say then why would Kiki No Name, from a floundering publication like Heart & Soul, be so cold to a student just trying to learn? I was especially turned off by her appearence...boo, you do not have wet and jet hair...let it go! As one of the only representatives of a black publication I didn't feel as if she represented herself nor her publication well at all. Hmmm...whatever.
Now Playing: Pieces of Me, Rare Essence
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
The Reason Why I Hustle...
"I'm an artist...and I'm sensitive about my shit" -me/erykah/chris/rashad
No, I'm not in the trap, but I do hustle. If I have realized one thing about myself while here at The Mecca, I've realized that I am ambitious as hell. I'm always at meetings, the one that's trying to meet my deadlines, put in extra work, be extra courteous, just go above and beyond. I'm always striving to be that star student and frankly
I get very weary after a while and wonder what I'm really doing all this for. This week I have definitely reaped some of the benefits of my hard work and effort.
About three weeks ago, my friends and I went to see Madea's Family Reunion, while there we saw a preview of the movie, ATL. Immediately we all talked about how we wanted to see it.
While in Atlanta for Spring Break , we were at Bang On! in Little Five Points where I encountered the cutest most distinctive chubby guy who laughed as I joked about one of the iron-ons ...It's so weird that I even noticed him and can remember his face along with other details(his nose, his smile, his outfit).
On Tuesday, my friend/managing editor/past roomate, Charreah, called me up and asked if I wanted to go to a "thing" where I'd meet Chris Robinson. Now, we all know that, Christopher Robinson is a common ass name but for some odd reason- I knew just who she was talking about. Chris Robinson the video director, you know...the one who did "You Don't Know My Name" and "Fallin" for Alicia Keys, "I Can" for Nas, "Bonnie & Clyde 03" for Jay and B, and as quiet as it's kept he did Mandy Moore's first video "Candy" (lmao)...plus he's the brainchild behind the Boost Mobile campaign, "Where You At?" Needless to say, I knew just which Chris Robinson she was referring to: brown skin, heavy set, dreadlock directing mastermind.No, I'm not in the trap, but I do hustle. If I have realized one thing about myself while here at The Mecca, I've realized that I am ambitious as hell. I'm always at meetings, the one that's trying to meet my deadlines, put in extra work, be extra courteous, just go above and beyond. I'm always striving to be that star student and frankly

About three weeks ago, my friends and I went to see Madea's Family Reunion, while there we saw a preview of the movie, ATL. Immediately we all talked about how we wanted to see it.
While in Atlanta for Spring Break , we were at Bang On! in Little Five Points where I encountered the cutest most distinctive chubby guy who laughed as I joked about one of the iron-ons ...It's so weird that I even noticed him and can remember his face along with other details(his nose, his smile, his outfit).
I said "sure" not realizing what I was really getting myself into.

So, the day came to take Charreah up on her offer and we went to see what Chris Robinson has to say about his new movie, ATL. Keep in mind, both Charreah and I were both born and bred in the A and we know our city.
When we arrived at the Ritz to meet up with Mr. Robinson, we got a bit turned around and couldn't quite find what we had come there for. I noticed a heavy set brown skin man with dreads having a seemingly intense conversation with a petite blonde haired white woman in the lounge- that had to be Chris, which I noted to my friend. Then we ran into Dan, the Warner Brother's Representative who had extended the invitation to come to Charreah. He then introduced us to three other men. One...the tolken black man- Tim, the former producer of the morning show here at WHUR with really interestingly foul breath. Two, the overweight atheist film critic. Lastly, there was the nerdy but endearing white film buff from George Mason who claimed he was raised off of "Don't Be a Menace" and thought both the Madea movies, "Diary" and "Family Reunion", were genius.
Turns out there would be no collegiate round table discussion that was talked about before. It would just be me, Charreah, the atheist film critic, and the nerdy but endearing film buff who had seen every Spike Lee Joint including Girl 6 having an intimate conversation with a regular guy from Edgewood, Maryland who ended up at Foothill College whose first film experience was in Sweden where the "music was horrible and the video was wack." He was so easy to talk to, everyone *including me* had engaging questions, and around our candle lit conversation in the Ritz-Carlton I realized...Chris Robinson is really the shit!

Being the aspiring journalist I am, I happened to recall the buzz about a movie I heard about last summer called Jellybeanz, which I knew would be about Atlanta and was slated to realease right around this time. Turns out it's the same movie,because legal reasons, with a new name- ATL.
Because we were from Atlanta and could relate to what he was saying, Chris loved us and insisted on us coming to the screening and telling him what we thought of the film. After getting turned around abit, we eventually arrived in Arundel Mills just in time to see the second half of the movie. It was soooooooooooo authentic. Turns out that cute guy from Bang On was a supporting character with a broken arm from skating.
Now anyone knows me, knows that I LOVE TO SKATE! (roller skate, not ice skate... i hate fucking ice skating!)It's an Atlanta thing...I used to go to Skate Town on Old National every Saturday when I was little, when I was in middle school I went to Sparkle's on the Southside or Golden Glide on the Eastside ( you wouldn't bring skates because everyone just came to dance, see, and be seen), and even in high school we'd make our way to Cascade Family Skate every now and again for college night (where you could see even the thugs dippin' and dogdging through the crowd on four wheels), even my 20th birthday party is going to be a skate party (yes, it's just that serious). And for anyone that knows me a little more, knows that as a kid I was known for keeping a broke wrist- I was always trying some new trick or fooling around and I just kept breaking my right wrist.

Chris had captured the essense of Atlanta sooooo well. From people saying "finna'' to "not for real, but fo' play play"...JJ's Rib Shack...."At Your Best" by Aaliyah.... "Blackberry Molasses" by Mista (yeaaa ya'll know Bobby Valentino but do you know about Mista)....The movie was just soooo Atlanta. It was great. And just like he asked, we met up with Chris after seeing it and gave him our two thumbs up. I must admit it felt really cool to be able to talk to a big time director on a first name basis after seeing a screening of his movie. The only rule in this game is to "never be star struck" (that means no pics *unless there's a natural photo opt*, no autographs EVER, and save the jumping and screaming until you get to the car) ....oh yea, we met Larry King today too ....
It's moments like this that remind me why I hustle so damn hard!
Now Playing: "Show Me Love" - Kilo Ali (yeaaaaa gotta' take it back one time to that ole' skool ATL bass music)
Sidenote: now, if I could just make it to my Tuesday/Thursday classes
(oh and the cutie from Bang On! is the one with the cast on!)
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Kountdown to Kimora (Part Deaux)
All hail the Queen of Fabulosity!
I'm never one to be star-struck, because frankly I'm a star in my own damn mind, but I must say that Kimora "KLS" Lee Simmons is all that she is cracked up to be: a glamourously clad, sensible and street minded businesswoman who knows what she wants and just how to get it! After working with my WONDERFUL PR Director, Kevin, all night ( I didn't get to sleep until 4 a.m.!)to create a killer propo
sal for Miss Baby Phat herself, I feel vindicted for missing a few winks of beauty sleep.
Everything seemed to fall into place, I printed out my cover page, bought the plastic sheet to put the proposal in, talked to the right people, got a front row seat (thanks Monica!), and was the first student to get my copy of Fabulosity signed by Miss Fabulosity herself.
The HUB was really crowded (who knew black people read like that?), almost all of the fashion department was there (FINE ARTS!). VH1, Fox 5, WKYS 93.9, and our own WHUTV was also there in full force. You might slip and see me on your television sets on one of my personal favorite stations, VH1 on Kimora's documentary. The signing was great! I have no real complaints, except for this one girl who was standing in front of the chain and kept leaning in front of me and blocking my vision of her entourage *they are important too!* I wanted to be like my man, Maceo, and say, "hoe sit down!" but that wouldn't have been professional so i just kept hoping she would get my telepathic mind messages and catch my evil eye. Oh yea, Monica...wait your turn! When it was my turn to get my book signed, Monica was taking up all of my face time! Like "hellooooo...can I have this moment? Dag..." but lucky little me, it gave me a great opportunity to get to know her publicist Darryl, who received my proposal and commented accordingly. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed (and the blowing the shit out of their mail room and inbox!)
3 hours of sleep, 2 KLS lipglosses (different colors of course...don't play me), and after making a few key connections, I see Kimora is kool...just an around the way girl, who happens to be a beautiful amazon who writes million dollar checks! I can't wait to hear back from my new best friend Darryl.
PS: to you that was shocked to see me eating a bag of Cheetos...girl it ain't no thang! what do you mean by, "you don't seem like the type to eat Cheetos"....chile' i have no idea who you think i am...no one is too fly for a good bag of chips. after this, i'm really not sure if we can ever be close friends, i don't think i could handle the pressure of being the person you seem to think i am.
Now Playing: Perfect Situation, Weezer
All hail the Queen of Fabulosity!
I'm never one to be star-struck, because frankly I'm a star in my own damn mind, but I must say that Kimora "KLS" Lee Simmons is all that she is cracked up to be: a glamourously clad, sensible and street minded businesswoman who knows what she wants and just how to get it! After working with my WONDERFUL PR Director, Kevin, all night ( I didn't get to sleep until 4 a.m.!)to create a killer propo

Everything seemed to fall into place, I printed out my cover page, bought the plastic sheet to put the proposal in, talked to the right people, got a front row seat (thanks Monica!), and was the first student to get my copy of Fabulosity signed by Miss Fabulosity herself.
The HUB was really crowded (who knew black people read like that?), almost all of the fashion department was there (FINE ARTS!). VH1, Fox 5, WKYS 93.9, and our own WHUTV was also there in full force. You might slip and see me on your television sets on one of my personal favorite stations, VH1 on Kimora's documentary. The signing was great! I have no real complaints, except for this one girl who was standing in front of the chain and kept leaning in front of me and blocking my vision of her entourage *they are important too!* I wanted to be like my man, Maceo, and say, "hoe sit down!" but that wouldn't have been professional so i just kept hoping she would get my telepathic mind messages and catch my evil eye. Oh yea, Monica...wait your turn! When it was my turn to get my book signed, Monica was taking up all of my face time! Like "hellooooo...can I have this moment? Dag..." but lucky little me, it gave me a great opportunity to get to know her publicist Darryl, who received my proposal and commented accordingly. We'll be keeping our fingers crossed (and the blowing the shit out of their mail room and inbox!)
3 hours of sleep, 2 KLS lipglosses (different colors of course...don't play me), and after making a few key connections, I see Kimora is kool...just an around the way girl, who happens to be a beautiful amazon who writes million dollar checks! I can't wait to hear back from my new best friend Darryl.
PS: to you that was shocked to see me eating a bag of Cheetos...girl it ain't no thang! what do you mean by, "you don't seem like the type to eat Cheetos"....chile' i have no idea who you think i am...no one is too fly for a good bag of chips. after this, i'm really not sure if we can ever be close friends, i don't think i could handle the pressure of being the person you seem to think i am.
Now Playing: Perfect Situation, Weezer
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Kountdown to Kimora
Fabulosity (n): 1: a state of everything that is fabulous 2: a quality ascribed to that which expresses glamour, style, charisma, power, and heart
Tomorrow I am meeting Kimora Lee Simmons.
While I'm not the BabyPhat posterchild I do respect Kimora for her bold business moves and for being the power diva that she is. This woman has done it all -she models, owns a klothing line komplete
with a lifestyle (the scent, jewlery, handbags, etc), has been a daytime t.v. host, is married to an endustry power player with two kids and a bad ass krib to boot (ya'll see her green sun room?)! Plus she just released her very own self-help book, "Fabulosity: What It Is and How to Get It" where she has the guts to kreate and freely use words like "Kimora-riffic" and "Fabalance"...wtf? But hey', she's Kimora "KLS" Lee Simmons and SHE KAN DO THAT! The book is aktually pretty good, it's filled with praktical tips on how to get what you want while staying true to yourself. Plus I got her $16.00 kimora-riffic lip gloss for FREE with my purchase. I've got my networking kards made (thanks Z! for the great design), getting my proposal ready with my PR Director, and am currently wrecking my wardrobe for something that says "trendy/unique/professional/me" all at the same time to wear at our meeting of the minds tomorrow in Howard's Bookstore. I even bought a silver engraved "power pen'' just in case i have to whip out a writing utensil...can't let her see my Papermaids...
Let the Kimora Kountdown kontinue.
Now Playing: I'm Bossy- Kelis
Fabulosity (n): 1: a state of everything that is fabulous 2: a quality ascribed to that which expresses glamour, style, charisma, power, and heart
Tomorrow I am meeting Kimora Lee Simmons.
While I'm not the BabyPhat posterchild I do respect Kimora for her bold business moves and for being the power diva that she is. This woman has done it all -she models, owns a klothing line komplete

Let the Kimora Kountdown kontinue.
Now Playing: I'm Bossy- Kelis
Friday, March 17, 2006
My Pefect Imperfections
someone today told me that i act like i think i'm perfect. all i have to say is "NOT TRUE!"...i'm confident, but i know my flaws probably better than anyone else on this earth.
just in case no one believes me i'll list them...not to prove anything, but just so you know that i know...i'm not all that -all the time, just most times ...lol
*i say things that hurt people's feelings sometimes without thinking about it* i'm horrible with money, yet i'm obssessed with it* if we're not friends, you are just another person to me, (harsh i know it sounds...but honestly)* i have a very smart mouth* if i have a good idea, everyone will be sure to know it* i'm not that easy to get to know* i'm not really the friendliest...(wow, that sounds really bad- but i'm not and i know that about myself)* i'm me phi me, and not as thoughtful as i should be (i'm getting better at this though!)* i give advice, whether you asked for it or not* i'm not as studious as i should be*
With all that said...i'm a pretty good person, and we all have flaws. i know my qualities as well as my flaws:
*when you do crack through my shell, i'm an open book* i'm a great listener (unless its on the phone -i'm not the best phone buddy)* i'm ambitious (even though i dont always go to class!)*i'm really caring* i'm always true blue* i give great advice (lol)* i always have a good suggestion (another lol)* i'm sincere* i'll share my last bread crumb with a friend* you can always use my iron/cell phone/computer/watch my tv/or use my curling iron...:)
Now Playing: Your My Type- Kanye West
someone today told me that i act like i think i'm perfect. all i have to say is "NOT TRUE!"...i'm confident, but i know my flaws probably better than anyone else on this earth.
just in case no one believes me i'll list them...not to prove anything, but just so you know that i know...i'm not all that -all the time, just most times ...lol
*i say things that hurt people's feelings sometimes without thinking about it* i'm horrible with money, yet i'm obssessed with it* if we're not friends, you are just another person to me, (harsh i know it sounds...but honestly)* i have a very smart mouth* if i have a good idea, everyone will be sure to know it* i'm not that easy to get to know* i'm not really the friendliest...(wow, that sounds really bad- but i'm not and i know that about myself)* i'm me phi me, and not as thoughtful as i should be (i'm getting better at this though!)* i give advice, whether you asked for it or not* i'm not as studious as i should be*
With all that said...i'm a pretty good person, and we all have flaws. i know my qualities as well as my flaws:
*when you do crack through my shell, i'm an open book* i'm a great listener (unless its on the phone -i'm not the best phone buddy)* i'm ambitious (even though i dont always go to class!)*i'm really caring* i'm always true blue* i give great advice (lol)* i always have a good suggestion (another lol)* i'm sincere* i'll share my last bread crumb with a friend* you can always use my iron/cell phone/computer/watch my tv/or use my curling iron...:)
Now Playing: Your My Type- Kanye West
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

It's Like Finding a $20 Bill in an Old Winter Coat
Cool ass people. I love them! If you know anything about me, you know I'm not the easiest person to get to know. Some people just hit the right cord and I must admit it's like striking gold ( I try not to toot my own horn but "toot toot"). Spring break has been really fun, while everything I expected didn't go as planned, this week has been really fulfilling and fun nonetheless. Oh yea, Jen and Ken...you two are GREAT...Lysh I already knew you were the shit (C2!!!).
Hold up...Pause...
Let me just talk about how things happen for a reason and how great God is for connecting certain people in
a timeline...
2002,2003: Casually meet B at AMPHS Symposium (note: it isn't really a big deal)
September 2005: B tries out for Dare To Be...we reintroduce ourselves and keep in touch
October 2005:J. Muthafukkin Stowe sells me a Stepshow ticket, and doesn't charge me an arm and a leg
December 2005: He is no longer HIM...the doors are open for new applicants
January 2006: B comes correct
B takes me on a double date to Georgetown v. Duke game where I meet Ken
March 2006: Hang out with Ken on SB where we in turn hang out with Jen
...turns out everyone is cool as shit!
Finding good, sincere cool people is like finding a $20 bill in an old winter coat pocket
On another note: I finally got a band to respond to my booking inquiry, they seem very promising. it feels like it's taken them forever...the storm is coming and I hope Howard U. is ready!
I'm happy. I truly truly am...I have sooooo much to look forward to in this life. My mood right now is party and bullshit...hopefully by the time I get back from Spring Break, I'll be in the mood to buckle down and get my study on..I need for my grades to be right this semester, they can't suck like last semester.
Hmmm....I need to hit the gym.
Now Playing: So What- Ying Yang feat. Ciara
Monday, March 13, 2006
Everytime I turn around, you're giving me a reason to dig you even more...
shine0485: i was like omgoodness u dont know who i am????i met u on several different occasions. i'm yasmine's friend.
shine0485: he was like OOHHH ok...well i guess your my new best friend
You get rave reviews across the board...keep it up and I might just have to make you mine. Every day with you in my world is another beautiful suprise, I can't wait to see what this week brings
PS: Thanks everyone who's had a kind word to say in the past few weeks, I'm so appreciative you make me feel like my presence is needed and wanted on this earth
Now Playing: Tenderoni- Bobby Brown
shine0485: i was like omgoodness u dont know who i am????i met u on several different occasions. i'm yasmine's friend.
shine0485: he was like OOHHH ok...well i guess your my new best friend
You get rave reviews across the board...keep it up and I might just have to make you mine. Every day with you in my world is another beautiful suprise, I can't wait to see what this week brings
PS: Thanks everyone who's had a kind word to say in the past few weeks, I'm so appreciative you make me feel like my presence is needed and wanted on this earth
Now Playing: Tenderoni- Bobby Brown
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
My Top Picks:
1) A favorite political track.Revolution- The Beatles
2) One of those tracks that make you dance on the dancefloor no matter what
The Bunny Hop- Da Entourage
3) The song you’d use to tell someone you love them.
LaLa Means I Love You- The Delphonics
4) A song that has made you sit down and analyze it’s lyrics.
On and On- Erykah Badu
5) A song that you like, that a two-year-old would like as well.
Poison- Bel Biv Divo (it was my favorite song, though i was just a bit older than 2 when it was released)
6) A song that gives you an energy boost.
Somebody Told Me- The Killers
7) A song that you and your grandparents would probably like.
The Stupid Things- Robin Thicke
8) A song that you really liked when you were 14-16, and still really like now.
Gotsa' Be- B2K (say what you like but that song is great!)
9) A sad song that would be in the soundtrack of the movie about your life.
Adam's Song - Blink 182
Boulevard of Broken Dreams- Green Day
10) A peppy song that would start the opening credits of the movie about your life.
Wouldn't It Be Nice- Beach Boys
11) A good song from a genre of music that no one would guess that you liked.
I'll Be- Edwin McCain (country rock)
12) A song that you think should have been playing when you were born.
Shining Star- The Elements...Earth Wind and Fire
13) A favorite artist duo collaboration.
Nothing At All- Carlos Santana and Musiq Soulchild
14) A favorite song that you completely disagree with (politically, morally, commonsensically, religiously etc.)
Table Dance- Bobby Valentino, Smoke, and Lil' Fate
Don't Care Who Knows- Keisha White and Cassidy
15) The song that you like despite the fact your IQ level drops several points every time you listen to it.
Idiot Boyfriend- Jimmy Fallon
16) Your smooth song, for relaxing:
Love Song- 311 (sorry Dwight :)
17) A song you would send to someone you hate or are mad at.
Thought You Had My Back -Keyshia Cole
Hoe Sit Down- Maceo
18) A favorite track from an outfit considered a “super-group.”
God Only Knows- The Beach Boys (A MUTHAFUCIN MEN to that WHOLE song...don't let the sweet voices fool ya' its serious!)
19) A song that makes you reminisce about good times with a family member.
Riding Spinners- 36 Mafia (taking my baby bro to school in the morning, he loved this song)
20) Your favorite song at this moment in time.
Sexy Lady-UCB (yes, I fux with G0-go...do NOT front- it's real music!)
Dimelo!- Daddy Yankee ( No tengo miedo!)
Now Playing: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood, Nina Simone
Saturday, March 04, 2006

I wish we could play all day in the sun, listening to the sounds of each other's heart beat in the key of G. We're so in sync. You say skate, I say when, an 80's themed party we both say "GOLD ROPE CHAINS". Damn. You are so dope. This shit's way too good to be true. So sometimes I question its sureness and sincerity. Letting old insecurities get the best of me.
I truly didn't believe you existed. The man in my dreams, the one I wrote about in the personal pages of my diary. All the things I imagined, you are. So pure, and unadulterated, in more ways than one, I am pleased to be courted and woo-ed by you.
You are the perfect scoop of ice cream. So good, indulgent, it doesn't even feel right to be partaking in such a delight...Yes, you are just like that perfect scoop of Ben & Jerry's except you don't melt away. While I know this, I'm afraid to keep eating ...scared you just might melt away. You are truly a joy and I'm trying not to treat you like "previouscats".
This doesn't even go with my flow, but i just thought you might want to know how much I like it when you sing in my ear. The warmth from your mouth feels like you put a furnace by my heart. And when we dance, I love how you come so close I feel apart of you.
We've made plans for my birthday, so that means you'll be there right? For the Kangol hats and adidas track jackets...you'll still be around? We've been planning our outfits for the end of March, talking about Harlem Nights...are you still picking me up around 7? I hope so...I surely do, because I like you, I think alot.
While it might be awhile before I'm comfortable enough to express all these things face to face, I hope my embrace lets you know how much I'm digging you. I don't want to scare you away so I'll let my eyes tell you all the things neither of us are ready to face. I want to take this as slow as possible, like that spoonful of rich and creamy ice cream, making every little bit count.
A friend noticed a new found glow I had, he thought it was one of three things: 1. good sex 2. something religious or 3. a life changing and I had to admit was was 2 of the 3. I feel like God brought you to me for a reason. No matter whether or not our courtship evolves into something more, I believe you are here to show me that I do not have to settle and a man who encompasses all the things I desire does exist and all I have to do is be patient and be the best me I can be.
All the things aside, I just wanted to make sure you know, I think you are the shit! And while I find her very intimidating and the thought of meeting her is daunting, your mother did a great job.
Now Playing: If This World Were Mine, John Legend's Version
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