Monday, November 14, 2005

The Encounter
Welp, it finally happened. I encountered the HER that came in and got HIM during my supposed 2 month "hiatus". I really thought this girl would be extraordinary, over the top, just a thorough bitch...I mean she has to be right? She's just a freshman...she has to be undeniably fly...right? WRONG!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO WRONG. She's an average girl doing average girl things. She happens to be a member of an organization that I'm on the E-board for and we recently had a meeting that she was in attendance. I'd be lying if I said I didnt go out of my way to make sure this girl was there so I could see what she was all about. I mean, I'm a curious chick...what can I say? Anyway, she came. Late, underdressed, and not prepared...but she came. This organization is a pre-professional organization meaning you always come ready to see and be seen, meet and greet, and make contacts.
Maybe she didnt know this though.
First Mistake: Tardy...She comes in late, and since there were not that many people in attendance it was really noticeable. Not only was she late but she was rather disruptive since she was still communicating with people outside of the meeting. Tis' Tis'
Second Mistake: Inappropriate Dress...Maybe she felt like since the meeting was being held in a seminar room in her dorm she could come in any ole' kinda way because she definitely did. Jeans, a teeny bopper T, socks complete with CHINESE SANDALS.
Wow...okay so at this point homegirl definitely did not get the memo...but she still has an opportunity to show me what she's working with.
Third (and biggest) Mistake now You're OUT!!!!....Not only does she come LATE, SLOPPY, but in our intimate meeting when we had a highly accomplished speaker she sits the the very back, arms folded, uninvolved, and decides to STARE AT ME THE ENTIRE MEETING.
Honestly I'm not sure if Anonymous should be dating her or mentoring her.
I mean really? Doesnt she have him, aren't they so content? Why is she so bothered by me that she would feel the need to hawk me the whole meeting? Didn't anyone tell her that doing such would really be a boost to my ego? I sized her up in a matter of 2 minutes flat and decided she wasn't even worth my time, not even on my level enough to even be considered an "enemy". I felt like telling her, "girl, if you got that man ...have that man, don't worry about me if you got him on lock." Truly I resigned my involvement in our relationship 4 days prior to meeting her so I really have no idea what she was going through. You can't buy class people, you really can't. She would have really been so much more effective if she was a LADY. I mean come in on top of your shit! Wow me with your intellect, the eye rolling-gum popping "ghetto girl" at Howard does nothing for me but show me how much farther along I am (literally and mentally). Damn...I think I must be Fly....even if just a little bit....Hahaha

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