Tuesday, November 29, 2005

20 Questions
Houston/Bayou Classic 05' Edition

Compiled by Me and My Brothers

1. Can anyone tell me what exactly, "in through my nose and out through my mouth means"?
2. Ever seen a U-turn lane?
3. MERGE! (yes, we know this is not a question, however, we liked it.)
4. So I just keep straight?
5. Do you really live around the corner?
6. Why is my mailbox two blocks away?
7. When did Caleb (our youngest brother) get so hard?
8. What's with the stop signs on the freeway?
9. Why would anyone take the payway when there's a freeway right next to it?
10. What's up with all the birds?
11. How can one seemingly turn 180 degrees and still be going in the same direction?
12. What it do?
13. University of Phoenix is a real place?
14. Are my turn signals working?
15. How could you be sooooo wrong?
16. Do you blink?
17. If there's a Sugarland and a Pearland, is there a Candyland, Texas?
18. Hey dude, why can I see your pantyline?
19. Who farted?
20. Smells pretty bad, did you follow through?

Now Playing: Anything Paul Wall


Michael said...

Bwahaha @ 17. As for paying to get on the Beltway, if you lived in Houston, you'd understand. Where exactly where you to find a stop sign on a freeway? I've never seen that in Houston. That's some LA shit.

Anonymously, Me. said...

I think it was the feeder road