Saturday, April 14, 2007

Guess it Can't All Be R a i n b o w s and Heartbeats

So...I didn't get the internship with Teen Vogue. I suppose that would have been one too many perfect things going on in my life. I won't even lie..I was super hurt (or as hurt as a up and coming fashion journalist could be) ...I mean anyone who knows me knows that NO ONE...and I do mean ...NO ONE loves Teen Vogue as much as I do.
You know what I blame this on? The Hills! If people weren't glued to their television set every week feeding into the facade that MTV is selling then there wouldn't have been as many applicants and I would have gotten the position. Damn you LC! You didn't even go to France ...(yes, I'm still mad about that one!) There just aren't enough jobs to go around - well, jobs in Teen Vogue's fashion department anyway :( I think the fact that I actually got so close to getting it makes it even worse. Going to the closet, sitting in the office, seeing the other iterns do what I so longed to do (you know...fold, wrap, hang, steam etc). Oh God...the heartache. I'm seriously sad ya'll. I know it sounds petty but it just seemed like destiny since I had sent resumes and cover letters to soooo many other places and only the one place I truly wanted to work called me back - TEEN muthafukin' VOGUE! Yes, life does go on and I will continue to be a "Beast" (as Z. Morrow would call me) but for tonight I let a tear roll down my cheek for what could have been with my beloved Teen Vogue. People say that is it speaks volumes that I even got an interview but honestly that still hasn't landed me anywhere...I just pray they make room for me in 1.5 years!

In going out I'll leave with the wretched rejection email...

Hi Yasmine-Thanks for taking the initiative to apply to be an intern. It was great to meet you and your resume looked great as well but we had so many candidates apply and very few spots to fill. Unfortunately I can't offer you an internship at this time.
Good luck with your future endeavors,

PS: anyone have any ideas on where I can get a bangin dress for Bison Ball- preferably in RED?

Now Playing: Peachtree Blues - Janelle Monae


Jameil said...

what's your price range? (sorry, i always attack fashion issues first on blogs)

it can't all be rainbows and heartbeats(? don't get that one), but take heart, this rejection will steel your resolve. if it doesn't, it will need to. journalism ain't all cupcakes and lollys (isn't that so fun?), its hard getting that first job, particularly if its something you want. TRUST you getting that interview is BIG. now go to another fab fashion glossy, prove yourself invaluable, then go to teenvogue and demand your job. those are much better than internships anyway.

Anonymous said...

girl just know that something bigger and much better is coming along. and f*ck LC, she ruined it for everyone. lol and i like missions. so OFCOURSE ill look for you a red dress for the ball :)

Michael said...

We've talked about this. It will all work out. :) Love you, Pretty.

Charreah said...

I too blame LC and the rest of the clan and am so glad you are back in blogland! But as much as it sucks you just weren't suppose to be steaming at T.V. this summer. Dress? they should be paying me but I always say Loehmans in Frienship Heights (just dont get the long halter dress with the tan and chocolate polka dots;) And take his name off that email missy!

Anonymous said...

"the publication that shall not be named" LOST, and there is more in store for you. NEVER FEAR!