Monday, December 11, 2006

The Year of Yasmine (Part Deux!)

I took inspiration for this post from my dear friend, Charreah "Queen To Be" Jackson, well...who am I kidding...i completely hi-jacked her thoughts and recreated them for my own. But that's neither here nor there. It just hit me that we are in our last days of 2006.
As I reflect on this year I have come to realize a few things...
2006 was definitely "The Year of Yasmine"

1. I started off the year right by cutting off the right person, the relationship (not the person) was so toxic...when I cut it off life was immediately 10x better and while he's made a few attempts to regain the friendship can is TOO GOOD!
2. I made some super special unforgettable friends, one in particular:)
3. I met of my most outstanding goals while at Howard, late at night freshman year I'd talk to my roomate (who now is the 2007 CHAIRWOMAN of Howard Homecoming) about how I wanted to do the fashion show when I got older...
4. I made IT happen in my personal and business life all in stride!
5. None of my friends or family members died

While this was seemingly "The Best Year Ever" I hope to make 2007 "The Best Year Ever, Part Deaux!"

1. Accomplishing one of my lifelong dreams, it's been a long hard road but I'm praying my labor will all pay off
2. Making it Haute at Homecoming ....Again (fingers crossed)
3. Doing it big summer 07' (power moves people...I'm talking power moves!)
4. Finding a great spot in the urea, it's about time I move off this campus and find a little nook of my own
5. Continuing to explore the inner workings of BAS, drives me insane sometimes but I couldn't see life without the kid
6. Love. all that other good shit!

Now Playing: Take It Slow- Shawnna feat. my boyfriend, Bobby Valentino


NegroPino™ said...

Loving the blog!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yaz...i'm so happy for you! ur truly an inspiration. though i won't be at HU anymore...i'll keep reading just to keep up wit ya ;-)